Thursday, May 26, 2011

Back On Track

I feel helpless
in mid of no-where
as if I am in dark
with no clear path

This feeling prevails and escalates
as clock ticks
I wander, and do nix

Want to do things again
Feel same old
Good and sane

Trying hard to get the track
from which I derailed some times back
looking for things to help
to trace it again
to get it back

This phase is tough
Its hard to deal
wanna cross it
without getting freaked

A lot of time has gone
I need to look back
I should get hold of it
else it gonna hit me bad

Now m pulling the strings
I m holding it tight
with more commitment
I start again
now I m certain
I can drive this train
in any terrain.


  1. jyoti ji , if you have an ambition & commitment in life , definitely you can drive the train duly correcting all past misdid. very nice.

  2. भूत हाथ से फिसला हुआ लगता है, भविष्य को पकड़ को रखने की उत्कट इच्छा हमें वर्तमान से दूर ले जाती है। वर्तमान में जियें उछाह के साथ।

  3. This phase is tough
    Its hard to deal
    wanna cross it
    without getting freaked

    Sometimes u feel like that..... every phase of life apears to be tough when u face it....keep going...

  4. hang in there girl.

    Bad phases are just that, temporary things.

    beautiful way to express yourself.


  5. If there is passion, you can do everything. Because if you love something so much and you are passionate about it, you will most likely keep trying and succeed.

  6. passion and determination make the thing easy.leaving behind the stale past grab the new future.....that is the life.very nice meaningful creation.god bless you.

  7. It is commitment that really works.

    (Pl write posts in 12 pt font. It will help us.)

  8. This phase of life can be very confusing . It happens at this age . Don't worry , it will pass as the yesterday has passed . Yes , self confidence will help .

  9. हिम्मत रखे इन्सान तो क्या काम है मुश्किल ,,बढिया कविता

  10. Just remember you are not alone and "this, too, shall pass." It always does.

  11. Now m pulling the strings
    I m holding it tight
    with more commitment
    I start again
    now I m certain
    I can drive this train
    in any terrain.

    ....yes, this should be the spirit. If u have passion and determination, u can achieve anything in life. Very beautiful and inspiring poem..Best wishes

  12. I'm a first timer here, and believe me it was a treat for me to read most of your post. Nice Blog, Great Post :)

  13. Gud One Jyoti.You appear to be a sensitive person.Please keep it up.

  14. I guess either your follower button as some problem or my net connection. Nevertheless, will keep coming back in this writer's paradise :)

  15. Hi Jyoti,
    this comment is for you entire blog;
    it's wonderful!

  16. you can drive any train in any terrain...all you need to do is just believe it...

    great post...hang in there...

    keep writing...


  17. your really a good writer, but just want to say to improve your vocab (please dont mind, its my friendly suggestion), so as you may be able to find better rhythmic words for your expression, though it feels that you are writing directly from your heart,
    विवेक जैन

  18. surely you will be back on track,

    god bless you.

  19. Are you talking about yourself or just a fiction? I do not get the feeling you can feel write very well.

  20. Everybody feels this way at some point in their lives. In my case many a times. It helps in setting clearer goals and priorities. It's how you take it. I'm sure you'll get there!

  21. भावों को बड़ी बेहतरी से अभिव्यक्त किया है आपने ....समय और स्थिति को बखूबी अभिव्यक्त किया है आपने ...आका आभार

  22. बहुत सुंदर संवेदनशील भाव समेटे हैं ज्योति मिश्र जी

  23. Try, things happen. Loved the hidden positivity and hope that this prose tried to express :)

  24. you started with hopelessness and went on to invulnerability. like it.

  25. the name is symbolic too. appreciable. :)

  26. now I m certain
    I can drive this train
    in any terrain.

    Very very nice lines and very good thoughts you expressed.


  27. so nice poem....!

    a small advise to u if u do,nt mind.
    please write your words some large size.... b.coz there is some problem with reading... i feel that not for other.

    your thinking & writing view is very well.

  28. Now m pulling the strings
    I m holding it tight
    with more commitment
    I start again
    now I m certain
    I can drive this train
    in any terrain.

    I liked your such confidence.
    It is said "karat karat abhyas ke jadmati hot sujan." means 'practice again and again,you would improvise each time.'

    Please, find time to visit my blog.I hope you would like it.

  29. I start again
    now I m certain
    I can drive this train
    in any terrain.
    Very positive thought.nice write up.

  30. Now m pulling the strings
    I m holding it tight
    with more commitment
    I start again
    now I m certain
    I can drive this train
    in any terrain.
    i liked it.
    - vijay

  31. good one and inspirational too :) got to have such positive outlook

  32. I start again
    now I m certain
    I can drive this train
    in any terrain.
    beutiful ..touching.....

  33. सुंदर भावाभिव्यक्ति।

  34. जज्बे को सलाम!
    Nostalgia apart one has to look for future also!
    indeed an optimistic poem!

  35. ...i think this is a wonderful piece full of positivity and hopes.. and your lines t'wards the end is the perfect way to end this piece... well done.

    Good day.


  36. अपनी अंग्रेजी कमजोर है। लेकिन लगता है कि जो भी लिखा है बढिया ही लिखा होगा।

  37. आपके ब्लॉग पर आकर बहुत अच्छा लगा| आपकी भावाभिव्यक्ति बहुत सुन्दर है और सोच गहरी है! लेखन अपने आप में संवेदनशीलता का परिचायक है! शुभकामना और साधुवाद!

    "कुछ लोग असाध्य समझी जाने वाली बीमारी से भी बच जाते हैं और इसके बाद वे लम्बा और सुखी जीवन जीते हैं, जबकि अन्य अनेक लोग साधारण सी समझी जाने वाली बीमारियों से भी नहीं लड़ पाते और असमय प्राण त्यागकर अपने परिवार को मझधार में छोड़ जाते हैं! आखिर ऐसा क्यों?"

    "एक ही परिवार में, एक जैसा खाना खाने वाले, एक ही छत के नीचे निवास करने वाले और एक समान सुविधाओं और असुविधाओं में जीवन जीने वाले कुछ सदस्य अत्यन्त दुखी, अस्वस्थ, अप्रसन्न और तानवग्रस्त रहते हैं, उसी परिवार के दूसरे कुछ सदस्य उसी माहौल में पूरी तरह से प्रसन्न, स्वस्थ और खुश रहते हैं, जबकि कुछ या एक-दो सदस्य सामान्य या औसत जीवन जी रहे हैं| जो न कभी दुखी दिखते हैं, न कभी सुखी दिखते हैं! आखिर ऐसा क्यों?"

    यदि इस प्रकार के सवालों के उत्तर जानने में आपको रूचि है तो कृपया "वैज्ञानिक प्रार्थना" ब्लॉग पर आपका स्वागत है?

  38. I can really really relate to what you are talking about. Your post is beautiful... it makes me learn that may at some point of life all of want to get a time machine of sorts... go back to where we stopped being us and.... remember what it meant to be us and come back and start doing those things and thinking those thoughts that will make us 'us' again.

    Glad you visited my profile for it brought me here :)

    It was a delight

  39. we can do anything if we are optimistic .you have written this poem with very positive view .keep writing like this .

  40. I start again
    now I m certain
    I can drive this train
    in any terrain.....

    :-) way to go!!! Blessings

  41. There is no short cut to sucess .With commitment and endurance board any train in any terrain. Psychoanalytical write up

  42. Life is a precious treasure and You should care ur treasure.
    U proved that You can unleash your creativity in any kindaa terrain. . .& way u use to xpres urself is simply amazing!
    FRom my point if view u shud hope for d best but prepare for d worst!!
    Feels intagible coz Hope sees Invisible!!
    Quite inspirational dear!!

  43. These days too will pass!

    A state of mind well put in words.

  44. from

    I feel helpless
    in mid of no-where
    as if I am in dark
    with no clear path.


    with more commitment
    I start again
    now I m certain
    I can drive this train
    in any terrain.

    This phase is always long but once confidence is there, nothing is impossible. Beautiful poem. Congrats.

  45. ऐसे कई स्पीडब्रेकर आते है ...शायद हमारी रफ़्तार स्लो करने वास्ते ....पर दुनिया उस मोड़ के बाद भी शुरू होती है ...इस मोड़ से भी शुरू की जा सकती है...

  46. Wonderful thoughts ... there is never delay in life ....

  47. I believe you still remember to visit my blog.

  48. (I can finally post a comment on blogger! Ever since I downloaded Internet Explorer 9 I wasn't able to. It kept saying I wasn't signed in and took me repeatedly to the sign-in page. Ugh! Now I have Google Chrome and it works!)

    I love the upswing in the end of your poem, Jyoti! If we look deep within ourselves, we can find the strength to surpass any obstacle and reach any goal. Powerful writing.

  49. I had been in this phase a couple of years ago....missing it creation !

  50. Definitely you'll catch your train in any terrain.

  51. Writer , i felt you got an oozing self confidence and so focus. WoW , i liked this line = now I m certain
    I can drive this train
    in any terrain. Believing in oneself and making a difference!

  52. This is amazing.. True thoughts beautifully presented.. Great one :)

  53. Thanks so much for the comment, lovely post!

  54. jyoti ji
    you will be back on your track ---deffinetly.

    Now m pulling the strings
    I m holding it tight
    with more commitment
    I start again
    now I m certain
    I can drive this train
    in any terrain.
    these lines are very-very nice
    thanks for exstremly lovely andpower full poem.
    keep it up

  55. मुक्तिबोध के शब्‍दों में- एक लालटेन के सहारे, यानि व्‍यक्ति जैसे-जैसे कदम बढ़ाता है आगे का रास्‍ता धीरे-धीरे प्रकाशित होता जाता है.

  56. Don't know when i'll be back on track...the poem tracked it rightly that "i just wanna cross it".
    very good writing very close to everyone's state.

  57. nice composition... full of emotions... i think that's what life is all about... you can't appreciate it, if you haven't encountered obstacles and hardship along the way... keep n touch...and thanks for the comments. Yahweh bless you.

  58. hugzzzzzzzzzz i can identify with what you are going through.. because i am in the same boat too!!

    beautiful blog..amazing writing

    will keep visiting!

  59. Hello Jyoti,

    Well composed,beautifully written and these thoughts come to all of us at times. To do things all over again and do it better.

    I also remember we get only one chance in life and it will never be repeated.Therefore, there is an imperative need to do our best at all times.

    Of course it is always wonderful to get a second chance.

    I was thrilled to read that you are living Bhopal. I was there during the gas tragedy with my family. Luckily we were saved by God's grace

    Best wishes,

  60. Have chosen your blog for an award...check it out

  61. Thanks a lot for your lovely and encouraging comments.
    I appreciate for your beautiful poem. You have expressed very nicely. Excellent.

  62. Jyoti,

    Here I am as promised. And it is entirely my honour to read such nice and meaningful poems. Read all current ones and will try to read the rest too a s a p. I am so moved by the one on Girl and also agree with such truth in Never Satisfied. Virus in my Life was so beautifully penned. Hope you do get back to what you wish to soon. Do try to visit Juhi ( staryeyedandscreeming ) a budding young poet. There are few more which I shall let you know next time. It feel sad that I got to know you so late. But as they say DER AAYE DURUST AAYE.

    Take care

  63. I love your blog!! And that was a truly inspiring piece. Amazing job


    P.S.: Thanks for checking out my blog and commenting. I appreciate it


  64. its wonderful dost u r a good poet keep it up :)

  65. I appreciate for your beautiful poem...nice... Excellent.... ;)

  66. Beautiful poem. Deep feelings.

  67. Its easy to run on a smooth road but really tough to abstain the dithering , to recapitulate oneself from the chasm of our own thoughts and sensations.
    Nice to feel your reflection.

  68. human beautiful feelings...well said!!

  69. hi jyothi, wow ! so many comments on your lovely poem. keep it up.
    your momentum is gaining very fast, that makes its just so easy for yoy to get back on track.
    have a greta day -wan

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Write whatever may come to your mind..
I'm here with my fingers on keyboard waiting to reply :)


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