We all got opinions almost about each and every thing known to us. Whether we know about it, or not. But we have our ideas n thoughts ready on it.
Let me think about some of them... yeah
Climate, laws, policies, government, society, education, health, crimes, etiquette, religion, services.... huh as I said almost everything.
Opinion generally have various forms- suggestions, advice, hints, reviews, critics etc..... These opinions and expressions are so vital to our lives, that we all enjoy "Freedom of Expressions" as one of the Fundamental Right in our constitution. Judiciary, the third pillar of our government is nothing but interpretations (opinions of lawyers n judges) of different laws.
Point is we all are surrounded by multiple clouds, like a Matrix of Opinions. I wonder how profoundly they rule our minds. Every action of ours is the result of some opinions and suggestions and something similar. Another point to be noted is that quite often, how naively we bias our views n thoughts about something based on others opinions.
Without thinking much, how we impose them on others.
Without thinking much, how we impose them on others.
Does opinions really matter ??
ohhh yeah a Lot.
Sometimes they are slammed.
right on your face.
Whether you like it, or Not.
Mind it.
They are vital.
for our survival.
Because, they are our pills,
of re-vitals and revivals.
Editorials, papers,
books and magazines.
Its all around.
No one's deprive of it.
There is no quarantine.
There are few
you can't comprehend.
But still, out of habit.
You apprehend it all,
But still, out of habit.
You apprehend it all,
You pretend.
A-class opinion makers
We humans are.
like an opinion generator.
we create n process opinions
At the rate of.
Per-Minute or may be Per-Hour.
So friends what is your Opinion about this "Matrix of opinions" ??
How much your actions and your life is affected by the opinions of the people around you ??
Why opinions of other matters a lot ??
Why we think a lot about what others are thinking ??
Why opinions of other matters a lot ??
Why we think a lot about what others are thinking ??
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