Brain the most knotty and intricate object to understand. I don't even dare to learn how it processes zillions of things simultaneously. One moment you are thinking of this and BOOM... next moment something else totally unrelated and discrete. All this happens in fraction of seconds... Well this post has nothing to do with functioning or facts of brain.... so those who hate biology and its details can harmlessly continue further :P
Point is-> We think a lot, we plan in loads. Gotta do this n that. Need to buy this, need to learn that song, try that piece of music, to get a dress, need to finish the book, complete the syllabus and list can go on like some never ending railway tracks. I don't know about you all but scads of my time exhausts in trying to decide Now, What next and than whole planning and soi-distant thought process starts all over again.
Biggest hiccup is the BEGINNING.
[ Biggest road block]- is to get started, not at all easy to cross. Whether you wanna start substantiating a time table, an exercise, a book or anything. This initial callow phase is the time when you are more likely to leave it and hop to some another one. [ I've lost the count of the times I've started going for morning walk...... initial fun days and than... well rest is better left unsaid :P]. Getting started is fine, but to keep that pace and carry on further is the real catch. Darn those days when the whole enthusiasm and zeal withers and you end up with squat.
The beginning is the most important part of the work- Plato.
I think, I start
I train my brain
to begin.
But, then again
the train of thoughts
kicks its engine
and lefts me
wandering in the voids
Keep Thinkin..
I've an infinite store
Of placebos and excuses.
This brain is inured
it never confuses .
I plan, I proceed
I train my brain
to begin.
But the bells
of "new things"
Keep Ringin..
I can go on
I don't.
Games of push and pull
and paper, scissor, rock.
I puzzle, I daze
I train my brain
to begin.
Time pass by
and hands of the clock
keeps Tickin..
Time pass by
and hands of the clock
keeps Tickin..
Beginning is the stage
hard as nails I guess.
Its cryptic
tough to stick.
I devise, I decide
I train my brain
to begin.
But, this time
train got brakes
It got a driver
I'm the one who
is Drivin...
Well habits can change. If our benighted ancestors can learn to tame wild animals, I think we can train our fiendish brain to behave in our own terms. I'm gonna try at least.