There are glances of hatred that stab, and raise no cry of murder ~George Eliot

It's there in the very fabric of our functioning. We can hate almost everything, we hate people, we hate rules, routines, schedules, authority....
some type of people, style of clothing, way of walking, tone of talking....
peachy behavior, mean relatives, stalking eyes, stingy sarcasm, poky neighbors, outwitting friends... Sometimes ourselves...
All we need is a teeny-weeny reason to not to like and then sempiternal bragging and crooning is all we seek..I am not talking about the intense, grudge-type hate but small and unworthy ones. Is it easy to hate than to love and forgive. Its so disgusting to have to befriend someone who have insulted you back in the time...... exasperation is at its height when you set to fake that perky, endearing gestures just to make sure that your alleged decorum is upheld.. When hating seems so alluring.. forgiveness and friendliness are tough choices to make.
Hatred observes with more care than love does
Colossal Chagrins and errs
inflicted pain, intentional blunders
those hefty hours of aspersions
rounds of fake flattery
stingy scuttlebutts
Relive all
the moments, the feelings
as our eyes connect
those memoirs
forthwith, more intact..
People say, love connects.. it mints relations. It spreads... its viral. It conquers all and its powerful and divine, so does hate too. I've seen people bonding over common hatred. Making friends for common enemy. Chehov says- Nothing better forges a bond of love, friendship or respect than common hatred toward something.
The People's violent Love and Hate;
One in extremes loved and abhorred.
Riddles lie here; or in a word,
Here lies Blood; and let it lie
Speechless still, and never cry..
One in extremes loved and abhorred.
Riddles lie here; or in a word,
Here lies Blood; and let it lie
Speechless still, and never cry..
~ John Cleveland
Polarity of love and hate:
Extreme opposites... yet very alike sometimes. Freudian theory suggests that in human relationships hate is
frequently a forerunner of love, but also that in many circumstances
hate changes into love and love into hate.