Thursday, March 29, 2012


Brain the most knotty and intricate object to understand. I don't even dare to learn how it processes zillions of things simultaneously. One moment you are thinking of this and BOOM... next moment something else totally unrelated and discrete. All this happens in fraction of seconds... Well this post has nothing to do with functioning or facts of brain.... so those who hate biology and its details can harmlessly continue further :P 

Point is-> We think a lot, we plan in loads. Gotta  do this n that. Need to buy this, need to learn that song, try that piece of music, to get a dress, need to finish the book, complete the syllabus  and list can go on like some never ending railway tracks. I don't know about you all but scads of my time exhausts in trying to decide Now, What next and than whole planning and soi-distant thought process starts all over again. 

 Biggest hiccup is the BEGINNING.

[ Biggest road block]- is to get started, not at all easy to cross. Whether you wanna start substantiating a time table, an exercise, a book or anything. This initial callow phase is the time when you are more likely to leave it and hop to some another one. [ I've lost the count of the times I've started going for morning walk...... initial fun days and than... well rest is better left unsaid :P]. Getting started is fine, but to keep that pace and carry on further is the real catch. Darn those days when the whole enthusiasm and zeal withers and you end up with squat.  
The beginning is the most important part of the work- Plato.
I think, I start
I train my brain 
to begin.
But, then again 
the train of thoughts 
kicks its engine 
and lefts me 
wandering in the voids
Keep Thinkin.. 

I've an infinite store
Of placebos and excuses.
This brain is inured
it never confuses .
I plan, I proceed
I train my brain 
to begin.
But the bells
of "new things"
Keep Ringin..

I can go on
I don't.
Games of push and pull
and paper, scissor, rock.
I puzzle, I daze
I train my brain 
to begin.
Time pass by
and hands of the clock
keeps Tickin..

Beginning is the stage 
hard as nails I guess. 
Its cryptic
tough to stick. 
I devise, I decide
I train my brain 
to begin.
But, this time
train got brakes 
It got a driver
I'm the one who 
is Drivin... 

Well habits can change. If our benighted ancestors can learn to tame wild animals, I think we can train our fiendish brain to behave in our own terms. I'm gonna try at least. 

So you guys ever faced this much touted problem of -getting started and than keeping it up ???


  1. But, this time
    train got brakes
    It got a driver
    I'm the one who
    is Drivin...


  2. def... beginning is hard...and you have to build momentum to get the train going....and only use the brakes when you need to...smiles.

  3. Yeah to begin is hard indeed but once you start keep on a trucking, braking for the corners.

  4. एक पंक्ति से ही सही, हम विषय पर लिखना प्रारम्भ कर देते हैं।

  5. Well begun is half done, is an old dictum!good write-up and great poem ...and at least am a bio lover ..that stuff even more would have been also appreciated!

  6. Such a lovely thought and so true it is, Jyoti! It is all about taking a plunge and driving the brain in set direction for the rest to happen:)

  7. कल 30/03/2012 को आपकी यह पोस्ट नयी पुरानी हलचल पर लिंक की जा रही हैं.आपके सुझावों का स्वागत है .

  8. While training our brains we become good drivers of our own mechanisms. Very mature poetical thoughts.

  9. Wow! This quite deep and very nice.I like the rhyme here "I train my brain".Nice one again Jyoti,you right very well.

  10. I believe in this- "All you need is to start and rest follows" We are often skeptical and afraid to start but I have seen many things after a lot of contemplation when I have and things came to an end as well, well welll...I realized I just wasted my time taking the decision.

    N thoughts jytoi lets b honest can a writer control them :P NEVER;)
    For me the greatest irony and I get baffled at times as well that while I am writing one thing, I have some other thought n then writing something else...So finally I have decided n accepted myself like this only n taking it as ease...

    PS- Poem was kool!


  11. Every single day.......this is my issue Jyoti. Too many ideas but too many never started.
    Now it's a step at a time, start and keep doing it - my mantra!

    Great poem on a subject I am sure talk to many. Thanks Jyoti, your subjects are always well chosen I see.

  12. hmmm well what can i say , i have so many unfinished articles or notes i cant tell you .. sometimes i start only to stop and not find the second line .. dont know how people can jsut keep writing and writing
    i envy them

    beginning is a must so true


  13. Very well said Jyoti! Smart piece of writing:)

  14. it is one of the toughest battles no doubt at the individual level

    very interesting choice of topic for a poem

  15. hehehehe...niceee!!!!...but wat r u trying to do with ur brain now??? :)

  16. I face this problem every day! My bells are ringing constantly...

  17. Yes...everyday I face it. But once the first step is taken, the rest comes easy ~

    Happy day to you ~

  18. very nicely written ....
    no excuses ....only hard work pays ...

  19. good!!!
    a well planned start means half the work done!!!

    well framed poem.


  20. those bloody neurons..they always plays with us..:P
    Nicely written article and inclusion of Plato's poem is cherry on topping. :)

  21. Oh my word, YES, I face this same challenge. Getting started is always my biggest nemesis! Once I do get started, I'm pretty good about keeping my head down and continuing the project until it is finished...unless it has to do with cleaning and organizing. In that case, I drag my feet and find endless excuses to keep from getting started. It's been a lifelong struggle for me and I am in awe of people who can cheerfully just dive right into the thick of an organizing project and whip everything into shape in short order. I missed that genetic encoding. :)

    Great post, sweetheart!

    - Dawn

  22. start with a plan and half battle is won
    nice post

  23. But, this time
    train got brakes
    It got a driver
    I'm the one who
    is Drivin...

    wonderful ! To start a job is really difficult, so many excuses come in your way. But once you start, the road starts appearing smooth. Thought provoking read, as always. Best wishes....

  24. Jyoti,

    You know the famous sayings - Well begun is half done and Slow & steady wins the race. Wish you all the best to tame your brain keeping both these in view.

    Take care

  25. Beautiful poem Jyoti, you know for me starting is not a problem. I start with a bang but to keep it going is so difficult. I hope I can tame my brain after reading a motivating post.

  26. As always a well written post from you witty..Yes all is tough at the beginning but as your blood boils then become unstoppable.

  27. I train my brain
    to begin....i just love the idea of this...should start training mine as well..

  28. start always matter in any work...

  29. It's called procrastinating. I think we all hesitate because sometimes it seems like too much hard work, sometimes, we feel to lazy, sometimes we want to be doing something else. Yet, if it's something we want badly enough, we're there~!
    Nicely said Jyoti :) Have a great Sunday.

  30. its hard to begin or to delay so it doesnt matter either way :)

  31. Simply wonderful !. A good start always ease the trip.

  32. There is always a starting problem.We are so much used to our set ways and find it extremely difficult to adapt to changes that are taking place all around us. But smart people quickly adapt to changes,pick up new skills and succeed. Very interesting poem.

    Best wishes,

  33. now tht u made me think of it, i gues i have to agree to all of this!! but at times, i still love to believe that i travel in a train i dont wish to drive. there definitely is some craziness in that uncontrolable part of journey :D

  34. set the mind with focus and direction so that we can begin for something new with consistency. love this post

  35. Hello.
    When it comes to writing poetry...I could write for hours and hours, but when it comes to anything else...well, I'm afraid I top the king of procrastination list. Thought-provoking post Jyoti. Thanks for sharing & visiting.

    Thoughts Of Beauty In The Stillness Of Dawn...

  36. Yes keeping it up is the hardest part...its easy to start something though.

  37. I guess it s no big deal to get started, but what happens thereafter is what is more important. Of course, they say well begun is half done, but we cant just leave at it.

  38. I do have this problem as well. There are some things I have kept consistent though, like going for runs. It's just an integral part of me and I just cant do without it. Today I just went for the >10km run which I have been procrastinating. Yes, we are the driver of our own destinies. Discipline is probably one of the ingredient in this play and love for the activity/event is essential, else the inertia to continue and keep steady usually increases as time goes by.
    Great illustration you have there! Enjoyed your thoughts:)
    By the way, I have tagged you -

    Looking forward to more of your works!


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