Important things are tough to say and yet there are things that needs expression and array of well sorted words. They should be dealt with finesse and perfection. But, we often fall short of words at the very moment when we need them most and then we feel like cheated by all things we ever read and the things we ever said. The way we feel is the result of complex permutations and combinations. Affected mostly by the situation and the person involved. Sometimes we write because it can't be said. By writing them down we breathe a life in those lifeless notions buried deep down somewhere in my mind. Intense obsessions which we never share with anyone can not find a better outlet then writing.... Writing is like an obsession. Once you get the hang of it... it lasts forever. As Franz Kafka says- Writing is utter solitude, the descent into the cold abyss of oneself. !!!
in scribbling the
exact mentation
imbuing in my area of grey.
Cryptic by its very nature,
it's buried deep, I say.
It surfaces off and on
leaves footprints
along the way.
Half said, much unsaid.
ship of my endless tales,
sails forward and away.
It cruises to unknown realms,
loopholes to misled.
When left with nothing to say
I scribble them down, any way.
Wherever I go
there's so much, I've
in my head, to cram
to think, to hush away.
Facts, figures, feelings,
emotional broodings
juggling along the paths
routing, converging all over
paths of neural highways.
Some shreds are lost,
few I prefer to hide around.
Holding them off,
for right moment and time.
Care not, of what I say
rambling around in midst
of jumbled words.
Scribbling them down, my way.
Image courtesy: By: Prachi Karnawat @http://karnawatprachi.blogspot.in/
Merry Christmas and a very very Happy New Year to everyone :)